Firearms Safety
For Class
OPD Valves
to Carry a Handgun
of Mesaba
Our 1st Fellowship Pancake Breakfast

On Sunday March 22, 2009 following our worship service someone brought up an idea for the men to cook breakfast for the Wives.
Chris Wright, being the wonderful inspirational believe that he is countered with, "Let's Do It!, so some money was hastily collected and this breakfast HAPPENED!
To better remember what was done and bought for this fellowship event I am saving data to this web page for future reference in the hopes that we will do this again.

Number of Souls that took part in this breakfast 45 (Chris W. was tasked with figuring this out)
$5.00 donation was given per adult, children no charge
Grocery list;
Milk 4gal     we only used 1 1/2 gals
Orange juice 2gal.
flour 5lbs
butter milk 2gal
eggs 1doz
syrup used aprox 1/2 gal
butter 2lbs tub
bacon 4lbs Elliot thick slice could use more, cooked in oven on cookie sheets
sausage 3 lbs slow to cook, needs to be started early or bacon used
Grocery bill came to $78.00 balance of money collected was donated to the youth missions trip
5 elect. griddles were brought in

This was a wonderful fellowship event that we will Pray will happen again
My buttermilk pancakes were made. This recipe is not a good fundraiser as it is more costly, but better.

Flour about 3 cups
baking soda 1/2 t.
baking powder 1/2 t.
2 eggs
1 T. vanilla extract (opt)
2 T. molasses (opt)
1 cup instant grits (my favorite, but opt)
add enough buttermilk to make a batter that will not peak
milk and white vinegar is suppose to work, I have not tried this YET

Thank You Lord for the wonderful fellowship we had that Sunday morning

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